Monday 5 December 2011

Science + Beer = Good

Tomorrow, in a fine pub in Birmingham (the Jekyll and Hyde, appropriately), it's Café Scientifique:
informal and lively discussion events around contemporary science issues that take place in local bars, cafes and pubs.  Taking place on the first Tuesday of every month, we feature a variety of local scientists and engineers, talking about their work and how it affects the average person in the street.  Always fun, sometimes controversial, these events are a great way to get to the heart of the matter.
What a wonderful idea, and one we should steal as part of our university's outreach programme: arts, media, current affairs - we could attract a totally new audience. We could turn up in gurdwaras, union halls, village halls, libraries, shopping centres… I'd have to pass a hat round, of course.

Black holes tomorrow. See you there?

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