Monday 22 March 2010

Album of the Day

Next up: Angie Hart's Eat My Shadow and Grounded Bird.

I only know of Angie Hart because Frente!'s cover of New Order's 'Bizarre Love Triangle' is always on my playlists (as is The Boo Radleys' 'Boo! Faith', their cover of NO's 'True Faith'). Frente! were a lovely, catchy, intelligent Australian pop-folk band who I'll cover later. (Australian pop is cool: see also Paradise Motel, Hydroplane and The Cat's Miaow).

Bored one day, as I so often am, I googled their names and discovered that Angie Hart had released Grounded Bird: only in Australia, so I had to import it because I'm a bit of a completist. It's a sunny LP, packed with witty twists on ordinary language and events. This was repeated on her new one, Eat My Shadow, which is available on iTunes.

Now I discover that there's another album, released as Splendid, and featuring her ex. Must get that one too…

Will these albums change your life? No - but I've got many thousands of albums and I don't expect them all to do that. I like art that isn't Titian and manage to live in unbeautiful buildings. What Angie Hart's music will do is lighten the load for 40 minutes. She has a beautiful voice, good arrangements and an attractively quirky view of life. That's quite an achievement.

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